What's New at Leerburg - December 2012

Uploaded on December 20, 2012 • 7 min
-NEW DVD: The Power of Training Dogs with Food
-Future DVDs in 2013 on Michael Ellis' Electric Collar Course & the DVD 2nd in the Nosework series with Andrew Ramsey
-New Podcast & Article Coming Soon - Dealing with Aggressive Dogs and Remote Collars
-NEW Leerburg Military T-Shirt
-New dog Daisy!


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December 23, 2012
Ed, you are a sucker!!! LOL! Daisy...in your BED? So funny...and thank you and Cindy for all that you do. I run The Polished Pitbull Rescue in PA, I buy your products and recommend your videos to all that adopt from me, as well as your forum. You are both great trainers and you know dogs and dog 'language'. You respect the dog as a dog. Merry Christmas to you and your family...and of course, to Daisy!

December 22, 2012
Merry Christmas to you all, keep up the good work.
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