Training Puppies Not to Eat Rocks - Yuck Command

Uploaded on January 1, 2008 • 6 min
Many puppies develop the habit of picking up rocks and other garbage they find and eating it. This can lead to a bowel obstruction which either kills the dog or requires surgery to remove the obstruction.

This short video shows how to teach a puppy the YUCK command. YUCK means spit out what is in your mouth and leave it alone.


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June 5, 2013
I can't stress how important this information is. I took my 13 week old puppy to the beach with my older dog and while they had a wonderful time, he ate too much sand. I wasn't aware of the problems that sand could cause.

The next morning he had a difficult time passing his stool and was whining. Finally he was able to poop it out and it was easy to see that I did not ensure his safety as more sand could have created a situation where a trip to the vets would be in order.

We are working on the yuck command and I will make sure that he doesn't eat any more sand. Thank you for stressing this extremely important command.

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