An Interview with Forrest Micke

Uploaded on June 23, 2014 • 36 min
Get to know one of Leerburg Online University's instructors, Forrest Micke.


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June 24, 2014
Great interview. It is nice to know a little about those from whom one wants and is learning from. Thanks for taking the time to let students/trainers get to know those who work to educate other trainers at Leerburg.
June 23, 2014
Dear Ed and Forrest: What a terrific interview. Forrest you are so amazing, articulate and seem like such a great person. I'm presently taking your online course on Engagement. Ed, you are so knowledgeable and I love listening to you speak. I've bought so many neat things from Leerburg. I have the prong collar leash, and many other items. I've learned so much from you, Forrest and Michael Ellis. I have a 19 month old Akita named Kumason. He's all white and absolutely gorgeous. I take him everywhere with me. We even go into a town that is dog friendly and sit outdoors and eat. The park is a fun place and now we are working on having him not lunge at other dogs. I just received my red mesh vest for him today with the patch that says "working dog, do not pet" as I'm so tired of people invading his space and just coming over and touching the top of his head and getting in his face. Anyway, I wish so much that you guys were near me in the New Hope, Pennsylvania area. If you, Forrest or Michael are ever here, please let me know. Thank you for bringing Leerburg into existence.
June 23, 2014
Great interview Ed, its good to get to know the background of the people who work with you, well done and looking forward to future information :-) .
June 23, 2014
Great interview/discussion for many reasons: Gives prospective Leerburg Online U. students a good idea of Forrest's background/qualifications/character/personality/etc. I hope there are similar interviews with all the other instructors. They will help people understand what top-notch people are involved. Lower cost self-study courses for more introductory subjects is a great idea. As is making auditing spots available for the interactive courses. I'm an older guy and pretty much a technophobe, but this interview is motivating me to get one of them smart phones so I can take one of the interactive courses. Forrest seems like a real standup guy.
June 23, 2014
Great interview!! I am on week 1 of the Engagement skills self study course and I am loving it! The videos are fantastic and right on point.

Ed, thank goodness you explained the eye as it was pretty distracting at first... Forrest, good luck with the TV pilot. I hope to see you on tv soon and be able to say, hey, I took a course facilitated by him!! My only disappointment is that no one from Leerburg has come to Canada yet(to my knowledge), we are a lot closer than New Zealand or Australia... Just saying... One last thing, this interview has inspired me to leave the money behind and get into dog training professionally. Thank you again for a great website and now some great courses on Leerburg U. Christina
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