Happy Thanksgiving

Uploaded on November 23, 2016 • 0 min

Thanksgiving is a time for remembering what we are thankful for. This year, Leerburg would like to express our thanks to all of the dogs that have brought us so much joy and happiness over the years.

This will be the first holiday without our beloved Raine. We lost her this past spring after a long fight with cancer. She was one of the most special dogs we have ever owned. We miss her dearly and while the void she has left in our hearts could never be replaced we are thankful for the memories and lessons she shared with us along the way. She brought a smile to the face of everyone who was fortunate enough to meet her. Raine will live forever in the hearts of those who loved her.

So go ahead and spoil your dogs this holiday season. They deserve it!


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December 16, 2016
She was so lucky to have great owners who put time and effort and love into her life. A rare and fortunate animal.
November 26, 2016
Bless you in eternity, Raine. Thank you for being part of our lives, even if it was just on video. You epitomize the best in the canine treasures who grace our lives.
November 24, 2016
Thank you Jeff and the entire Leerburg family for the thanksgiving day wishes. We hope your thanksgiving was very special also. I agree 100% with you my four babies deserve the best I can give them! And a lot of that comes from Leerburg. Happy thanksgiving to all.
November 24, 2016
Beautiful video! A blessed and Happy Thanksgiving to all!
November 24, 2016
Of course, they are never replaced. We can only hope that we are fortunate enough to find another dog that makes such a mutually rewarding relationship possible. Best wishes to your family.
November 24, 2016
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