Training Personal Protection Dogs
Locked: You must purchase this stream to view it Training Personal Protection Dogs
4 stars (1 reviews)
1 hr, 36 min
January 1, 2008
This video assumes a dog has already gone through bite development. This means you and your dog know and understand the material in our bite development tapes and DVDs. This tape provides the information needed to convert a Schutzhund dog or a dog with basic bite training into a Personal Protection Dog. The first portion covers German and English commands used in bite training; followed by discussions on safe equipment and dog handling during bite work; then basic tests for Personal Protection dogs, and "Learning Curves in Bite Training." This video shows how to target your dog's bite to different parts of the body. This is trained in segments using body bite suits. We begin with Leg Bites, then Leg to Arm Transfers, then Leg to Arm - and Arm to Leg Transfers, then Arm to Arm Transfers, and finally Shoulder and Back Bites. Although the concepts are similar to those covered in our tape on training Police Service Dogs, most Personal Protection dogs are not as strong as patrol dogs and therefore need more training steps in their program. We show you how to do this. Muzzle work is the only way to proof a dog that's been trained in body bites. Muzzle training is broken into 6 steps followed by a session on "Helper Hints" for effective muzzle work. Then we discuss the 4 methods of putting defense or civil drive into your dog. Civil drive is the ability of a dog to alert on a man with no protective equipment on. Strong dogs with a lot of civil drive will turn on their handlers if they receive to much pressure during training. Although this type of dog is not common in America, you need to know how to safely handle it when you see it. This video demonstrates 4 methods to safely work strong civil dogs. You learn when one method should be used over another. Included are are training sessions on each of the following subjects: 1. Food refusal from a stranger 2. Bark and bite at the door 3. Protect your Car 4. Random attacks off the training field 5. Alert on a voice command 6. Handling rules for a real life violent encounter
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Training Personal Protection Dogs

Uploaded on January 1, 2008 • 1 hr, 36 min
This video assumes a dog has already gone through bite development. This means you and your dog know and understand the material in our bite development tapes and DVDs.

This tape provides the information needed to convert a Schutzhund dog or a dog with basic bite training into a Personal Protection Dog.

The first portion covers German and English commands used in bite training; followed by discussions on safe equipment and dog handling during bite work; then basic tests for Personal Protection dogs, and "Learning Curves in Bite Training."

This video shows how to target your dog's bite to different parts of the body. This is trained in segments using body bite suits. We begin with Leg Bites, then Leg to Arm Transfers, then Leg to Arm - and Arm to Leg Transfers, then Arm to Arm Transfers, and finally Shoulder and Back Bites.

Although the concepts are similar to those covered in our tape on training Police Service Dogs, most Personal Protection dogs are not as strong as patrol dogs and therefore need more training steps in their program. We show you how to do this.

Muzzle work is the only way to proof a dog that's been trained in body bites. Muzzle training is broken into 6 steps followed by a session on "Helper Hints" for effective muzzle work.

Then we discuss the 4 methods of putting defense or civil drive into your dog. Civil drive is the ability of a dog to alert on a man with no protective equipment on.

Strong dogs with a lot of civil drive will turn on their handlers if they receive to much pressure during training. Although this type of dog is not common in America, you need to know how to safely handle it when you see it. This video demonstrates 4 methods to safely work strong civil dogs. You learn when one method should be used over another.

Included are are training sessions on each of the following subjects:

1. Food refusal from a stranger
2. Bark and bite at the door
3. Protect your Car
4. Random attacks off the training field
5. Alert on a voice command
6. Handling rules for a real life violent encounter


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4 star rating
4.2 stars (57 ratings)
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July 26, 2020
Excellent! I have had offenders over my past 24 years of LEO State Corrections Probation & Parole work. "That I will just take a bite from the home owners dog, then kill the dog, and kill the home owner." If trained like you show in this video, it is going to be a bad day for the bandit. Also remember the true protector will not be the dog, but the citizen protecting himself and those he loves from death or serious bodily injury. The K9 will defiantly help in our survival. Remember most of the time it will be in low light to no light, and there will be more than one criminal against you. With present policy of limiting Law Enforcement. You may be on your own, to live or die.
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