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Marker Training Tux (One of our Leerburg Horses)
Uploaded on January 1, 2008 •
7 min
Even though our business involves training dogs I thought our customers would like to see a few minutes of marker training with our horses here at Leerburg – we currently have 4 rocky mountain horses and 1 quarter horse.
The reason I chose this footage is to demonstrate the power of marker training and to show that the training concepts I talk about in my article and DVD on markers also apply to other animals. The fact is this is how Sea World trains all their animals.
The beauty of marker training with horses is that it demonstrates that the learning phase of this training concept is 100% motivational. We are not going to put a prong collar on a horse and give him a correction for non-compliance and then expect him to work at liberty – which means no halter bridle or line.
Here we are watching Cindy work her horse, Tux, in an open pasture at liberty.