New Whelping Puppies DVD Coming Soon

Uploaded on February 27, 2013 • 2 min
We hope to have our new Whelping Puppies DVD released next week. In the mean time, we put together a few short clips of the puppies in the upcoming DVD.


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May 21, 2016
Great short clips of the puppies ,I had no trouble viewing this short clip.
March 6, 2013
Ditto the above comment. The 'Video on Demand' for those DVDs I've purchased works perfectly. My DSL bandwidth is consistently 4+ MBs download. For several weeks I've not been able to watch the daily video snippets. These have been very useful - please let me know if I can be of service testing solutions. Thank you ...Dan
March 4, 2013
You can see the difference in your production quality and the artistic value has improved drastically. But even with my SUPER high speed internet I can not get the video to play smoothly.
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