May 03, 2011

We've been feeding our dogs chicken backs since the switch. What should the bone to meat ratio be? Am I anywhere close to getting this right? Is there anything I can give for pain?

Full Question:
Hi Cindy,

A couple of months ago, I sent you an email about my 11 yr. old German Shepherd who has arthritis in her hips. I have switched her, as well as the rest of my dogs, to the raw diet and all are doing very well on it. Their excitement at meal time is unreal. Thank you so much for advising the switch.

I have a few questions that I couldn't find the answers to on your site.
One is a feeding question and the other three are about medications/vaccines.

1. We've been feeding our dogs chicken backs since the switch. Where we live, they are the least expensive to buy, other than necks. Most of the backs have a good bit of meat on them, but we've still been feeding some ground venison along with the chicken backs. I'm still trying to figure this whole prey animal thing out. I've been using your calculation for the amount of food to feed, which seems so little compared to the amount of kibble we used to feed. All the dogs seem healthier than ever, and none have really lost weight, but have begun to look more muscular. My question: what should the bone to meat ratio be? I want to make sure I'm giving enough bone, but not over do it. Here's an example of what I feed my beagles: Their ideal weight is about 25 lbs. So I figure I should feed about 8oz. (they are on the heavy side, so I'm using 2%) I give each one a chicken back that's 4 to 6 oz. Then I give them 2 or 3 oz of venison. I also add about a table spoon of veggie "glop" to the venison. Am I anywhere close to getting this right?

2. Do you guys vaccinate against rabies?

3. How do you control fleas/ticks? We've always used Frontline with good results; is this safe?

4. My GSD is doing a lot better, but still has some pain. Is there anything I can give her for pain?

Thanks again for all your advice and helpful, informative website.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I’ll try to answer your questions as best I can.

When feeding a prey model diet, it’s approximately 80% meat, 10-15% bone, and 5-10% organs. I don’t stress about it too much, and aim for balance over time.

Rabies vaccinations are required by law in most states, and the laws vary as to age of dog, and how often the dog needs to be revaccinated. If you can get a waiver from your vet to skip this vaccination I would look into that. I would NOT vaccinate any dog with ANY medical issue, this includes arthritis, ear infection, thyroid imbalance, skin condition, diarrhea, etc…

We do not use chemicals like frontline or any of those topical spot ons. We use Para Clear and Neem Spray.

You can read more about this in our Health Question & Answer section.

If you are not giving Salmon Oil and Vitamin E to your arthritic dog, I would highly recommend it. Salmon Oil has an anti-inflammatory effect on joints and should be given at a double dose to arthritic dogs. Please introduce this very gradually to prevent digestive upsets.

We also carry several joint supplements; we have had good results with our senior dogs on Syn Flex.


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