April 12, 2011

I have a 5-year old male German Shepherd that is very aggressive towards the others shepherds when my female is in heat. Any suggestions would help.

Full Question:
I have a 5-year old male German Shepherd that is very aggressive towards the others shepherds when my female is in heat. She is almost 10 and cannot be spayed due to congestive heart failure. I keep her in another part of the yard during heat but even during this time, my male shepherd will try to about kill my other males/females. I have 5 dogs total and do not breed them anymore. I am having him neutered next week but I was wondering if they made any kind of muzzle that he could wear during the day that would allow him to still eat and drink. Actually eating is done in the evening while I?m home so I guess I mainly need one where he could still drink water. We have a large yard with a 5 foot chain link fence with a hot wire at the bottom. I?ve actually thought about finding him another home but I know that wouldn?t work and he?s very loyal, protective and a great pet other than these times. Any suggestions would help.

Ed Ed's Answer:
The wire basket muzzles will work fine here.

With this said neutering is probably not going to change this behavior, it will probably result in him living a longer and healthier life.

You may find that you have to back the muzzle up with a remote collar. Use markers to teach him to get the collar on, then the DVD I did on training with remote collar. "Good luck.”

Kind Regards,
Ed Frawley

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