May 10, 2011

I have a 7 month old male. He is very submissive and is doing very well overall. Do you think for someone like me your basic DVD would be recommended?

Full Question:

Very informative web site (A level). Although I did catch a typo which you may want to address.

I have a 7 month old mini long hair male doxie. He is very submissive and is doing very well overall. I been using TRAIN YOUR DOG THE POSITIVE WAY DVD and wanted to go a little further. My main concern is off leash fun. I do take him off leash (in parks and such) and he pretty much follows me everywhere but sometimes he is slow to come to me when called or just stops and looks at me when I ask him to come. He is also average on the leash however is making strides as he would not even walk on the leash a month ago. Not a puller. He just stops walking sometimes. I have to lure him with a treat and lots of encouragement and that usually gets the ball rolling and once the ball is rolling he is very good with loose leash walking until the cycle repeats itself. Ok, that is my background aside from the fact that I am a first time dog owner.

Do you think for someone like me your basic DVD would be recommended or do you have another suggestion?

What are your thoughts.

Thank You.

Ed Ed's Answer:
If you only found one typo I am amazed :-) I am a much better dog trainer than speller. I do have an employee working her way through the web site though.

I would recommend my Basic Dog Obedience DVD.

I believe and use in motivational training - you can read or listen to my podcast on training with markers.

I have a page on podcasts that you may find interesting Listen to the one on my philosophy of dog training.

In this article you will find the mistake and foolishness of those who promote motivational training without corrections. Its just stupid.

You may also want to reads the article I wrote titled the THEORY OF CORRECTIONS IN DOG TRIANING.

Good luck with your dog.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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