May 10, 2011

Our Rottweiler pup is 6 months old. I don't feel we are developing the bond I want. Do I stop all formal commands, sit, down, stay and just begin marker training?

Full Question:

I just ordered the Basic Dog Training DVD. Our Rottweiler pup is 6 months old we have had him since 12 weeks. We just finished group obedience classes. He learned a little and does follow me around the house and obey some commands " when he wants to." However I don't feel we are developing that bond I had with our last Rott. My wife and I were my old dog's world. He never took his eyes off of us. He always knew where we were and he followed us everywhere. I want to develop that with my new pup. My question is do I stop all formal commands, sit, down, stay and just begin marker training? He already works for his meals. "Long sit stays" works for going out, stuff like that and is crated. Would the transition be to just stop everything we already know and begin with teaching him "Yes" + treat? The DVD won't arrive for at least 5 more days and I want to get started. Sorry for the long email I just wanted to give a little background.

Thank you for your time and great web page
Ed Ed's Answer:
I am a little concerned about how much obedience you have put into this pup - or I should say expect from the pup. What jumps out is LONG SITS - the longest I would expect a 6 month old pup to hold a sit is 4 or 5 seconds - no longer.

To get long sits requires corrections and young pups should not be getting corrections for not sitting and staying.

I would recommend that you start marker training today. No corrections are involved here. You won't go wrong if you do this. Wait until the DVD gets there and really study it. This is not a one watch program - you made a good decision.

After watching the quality of information in this DVD you may want to consider my DVD titled BUILDING DRIVE and FOCUS. The work in this DVD when done correctly is the best I have seen for building a bond with a dog and owner.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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