April 12, 2011

I need a muzzle for my small border collie that has nipped several people when she’s off leash, what do you recommend?

Full Question:
Dear Mr. Frawley,

I have a small (29 lb) Border Collie who has nipped several people when she's been off leash, and I obviously have to do something about it. I bought a shock collar for her, but that doesn't work beyond about eight feet. I assume I need a muzzle for her, but I don't know if that's the right way to go, or simply to keep her on a long leash. We have a nylon muzzle that we've tried, but she simply tugs and squirms until it's off. It's kind of like trying to muzzle a porpoise. The muzzle is mostly needed so that she can go off leash on dog walks and get some running time in. The only exercise she ever gets is when she runs after other dogs (and their owners).

Do you think a muzzle is an appropriate tool, and if so, can you recommend a particular muzzle for her?

Thank you so much for reading this.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
A muzzle is a tool to help keep bites from occurring but it’s also important to not allow those situations to keep happening. This dog has no business being off leash at this point.

A remote collar is a great tool if the dog is correctly trained first and a quality collar has a range of more than 8 feet. I use the Dogtra collars with my own dogs. We have an excellent video on how to use the collar, Electric Collar Training for the Pet Owner, if you decide to try the ecollar again at some point. I can also recommend a suitable collar for your dog when the time comes.

You need to spend some time establishing rules for this dog, and showing her that aggression is not an option. Start with our groundwork program.

Until she will listen to you 100% of the time and you have the aggression issues under control, then she is not ready to be off leash. I’d recommend Pack Structure for the Family Pet and Dealing with Dominant & Aggressive Dogs.

I would NOT let this dog run after other dogs for exercise. Will she play with you? This is a much healthier outlet for her exercise needs. Try playing fetch with a chuck it.

For muzzles, we have a large selection as well as directions on how to measure your dog for proper fit. Until you have accurate measurements I can’t recommend a specific muzzle. You can also call our office for personal assistance one you have the measurements. 715-235-6502

I want to add that using a muzzle without training is like putting boxing gloves on a rebellious out of control teenage kid that hits his parents. It makes it less damaging but it doesn’t address the underlying behavior. Muzzling aggressive dogs and letting them continue their same behaviors can even make them more dangerous in the long run, they feel frustration become even more aggressive as time goes on. Muzzling dogs and letting them attack is actually an exercise used for police dogs to teach them to be more aggressive. Use the muzzle to keep people and dogs safe WHILE the dog is being trained. Control her environment and her actions with a leash.

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