May 13, 2011

I bought a GSD/husky mix pup. I took out toys for both and my husky saw this and growled at the new puppy. Now whenever the pup comes near her, she growls. Advice?

Full Question:

I'm having trouble with my 6 month old siberian husky. I recently bought a german shepherd/husky mix about 6 months also (new puppy). At first everything was fine my husky loved the new puppy they played forever. Finally when things started to settle I took out toys for both of them I gave the husky her toy and the new puppy his, as soon as my husky saw this she took the bone and growled at the new puppy. Now anytime the new puppy comes near her my husky growls at the new puppy. Our new puppy is a little scared but seems to be provoking the husky also.

Can this problem be fixed? I have had a lot of people tell me to let them fight it out and establish the alpha. I wanted to read up before doing this.
Ed Ed's Answer:
You have made a serious mistake in how you introduced and how you allow these dogs to interact. I wrote a very good eBook on how to introduce a new dog into a home with other dogs. This will detail how to do it and your mistakes will become evident.

Bottom line is toys are triggers for dog fights and unless you establish pack structure, train these dogs correctly and manage their living environment you will have problems.


Basic Dog Obedience
Establishing Pack Structure with the Family Dog

Kind Regards,
Ed Frawley

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