May 13, 2011

I am having a problem introducing my new dog to my cats, as he is fairly aggressive towards them. Can you recommend a training video or other that can help me with this?

Full Question:

I just adopted an intact 5-yr old male German Shep who, I'm told, is Level 3 Schutzhund-trained. He's been retired due to an injury. I am having him neutered in the next 2 weeks.

I am having a problem introducing him to my cats, as he is fairly aggressive toward them. Can you recommend a training video or other anything else, that can help me with this? I am reluctant to use shock collars and other extreme measures. My goal is to get him to be friendly with the cats, not fearful of them. Is this even doable?

Ed Ed's Answer:
I wrote an article on my web site about how to introduce new dogs into a home with cats. This is a start.

When I purchase new adult dogs – no matter how much training they have I need to establish rank and pack order. I want to do this without conflict and stress. I teach people who to do this in my dvd - Establishing Pack Structure with the Family Dog.

During the pack structure program I introduce Marker Training to the dog. This is also a non-conflict methods of working with a dog. But with this said I always finish a dog with a remote collar. It provides a level of off leash control that is impossible any other way. The key to this work is learning to lose low level stimulation – levels that you and I may not even feel. I introduce people to this in my remote collar dvd.

We recommend and use Dogtra 280ncp collars.

I hope this helps.

Kind Regards,
Ed Frawley

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