May 13, 2011

My 8 month old dog growls when you go near his food. How should I deal with this?

Full Question:
Zeke is an 8 month old un-altered GSD from working lines. We've had him since he was seven weeks old. He is obedience trained and minds well. However, although I've had GSD's before, he is by far the most stubborn of them. In any event, he understands that he is "low man on the totem pole" and will accept corrections from any family member, although I seem to have more influence with him. One problem we cannot solve, however: Zeke hates having anyone within 3-4 feet of him when he is eating. He is crate trained, and his food bowl is next to, but not in, his crate. If he is touched or approached closely while he is eating, he will stop eating, "freeze," look very uncomfortable, and growl. When he does this to me, he acts as though he knows he shouldn't do this, but just can't help himself. He will let me touch him, and even take his food away, and not show teeth, but he will growl nonetheless. When my son (age 13) approaches Zeke when he is eating, Zeke will occasionally snap at him.

We have tried fairly severe corrections, and taking away his food, which he will tolerate. As soon as we correct him, Zeke acts very contrite, wagging tail, flattened ears, etc. However, the problem with him growling while eating (or even snapping) doesn't seem to be getting any better. Mind you, this is a dog who will do a down-stay, and you can put a treat right in front of him, say "leave it" and he won't touch the treat until given permission.

Do you have a suggestion? Should we be removing his food and NOT giving it back within a few minutes? What do you recommend? Should we neuter him at this point? He does not show aggression toward family members under any other circumstances, and he accepts strangers well, although he is very quick to bark if he hears someone approaching our door.

Thanks for any advice you can offer,
Ed Ed's Answer:
I would not take the food away from the dog. He is growling, because he thinks you will take the food away. So to do so only confirms that there is something to be worried about.

If you want the dog to do some form of personal protection do not neuter him until he is 2 years old. If this is not a concern then neuter him now.

If this is the only place that he is growling I would teach him to eat quickly and make sure that no family members go near him when he eats. I would put the food down and pick it up in 20 minutes. He will learn real quick that he has to eat when its presented to him or he will not see any food for another day. Trust me it does not take long. Feed him in a location where he can have peace and quiet.

Some people will try and teach the dog that it’s OK to have you around by taking the food bowl and holding it up off the ground in a neutral location while the dog eats. Start off with treats in the bowl and work up to food.

You should read what I have to say about obedience training.

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