May 13, 2011

When our dog gets out of the yard, we need to chase it around the block with our car until it tires out. Then it will jump in the car. How do we keep him in the yard?

Full Question:
We have a gorgeous black and white german shepherd. I suspect it was the runt of the litter, but she's gorgeous. She is neutered and five and a half years old. She's terrified of thunderstorms and fireworks so we have to drug her. However, that's not our major problem. She gets out of the house and we can't get her home unless I drive our van around the block until she gets tired. She has never attacked anyone but we have a new neighbor with small kids that has called the police on us for being a vicious dog. How do we train her to stay in the yard?
Ed Ed's Answer:
You build a dog kennel and use it or put up a fence or purchase and in-ground fence. No one can train a dog to stay in a yard. Especially someone who cannot train a dog to come when called.

You also need to obedience train this dog. It is not trained. If it were you would only have to call it to come and it would come.

If you would like to learn more about the principles of obedience training a dog, read the description for my Basic Dog Obedience video. You will probably find that you have not had the full picture on the steps of training a dog must go through before it can be considered fully trained. You can also read why I am not a fan of taking an untrained dog to obedience classes. I think if you read the testimonials on that tape you will see that my customers feel the same way.

Get this tape and a prong collar and train your dog.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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