April 12, 2011

Can I do drive building work with my dog's favorite toy and play fetch with that same toy?

Full Question:
Hi Ed,

I purchased your video Training DRIVE, FOCUS, & GRIP with Bernard Flinks and my question is that my dog loves his ball on the string which I also use to play fetch with him. Normally he brings it back and drops the the ball. Should I be using this toy to do the training? Would I not be able to play with him with this toy not until the training is over?

Thanks for your time.
Ed Ed's Answer:
Good question.

I produced that DVD back in 1999. Since then training concepts have changed. We no longer develop drive with a ball on a string. We use tugs and teach the dog to brig is tug back to us when we release it.

The dog learns that the fun times of a tug only happen when we play with him. So when we release the tug he wants to bring it back and jam it into our stomach. There is a step by step training process for this work. Its covered in the tug DVD I did with Michael Ellis.

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