May 17, 2011

Are all breeds trained in the same fashion? Should I get a prong collar, or just try a normal one?

Full Question:
Hello, I was wondering if all breeds, even toy breeds (Havanese) should be trained in the fashion described on your web site. I read all the puppy articles.

One question I especially have is Should I get a prong collar or just try a normal one? Thanks.
Ed Ed's Answer:
Dog training is NEVER breed specific. It is always temperament and drive specific. This means you train a hard Poodle just like a hard Rot. (You just don't give as hard of a correction).

Some soft dogs do not need a prong collar - most do.

There are only 4 types of training collars to consider:

A flat collar
A prong collar
A e-collar
A Dominant dog collar

No one can tell you what to do - you need to figure it out according to your training needs.

Get my Basic Obedience DVD and it explains this.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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