May 17, 2011

I have a few questions about the out.

Full Question:
Hi Ed

Thanks for your great site.

I am busy training two dogs for patrol dog and have some questions about the "out" command. I've taught the two dogs according to your dvd, building drive and focus. The dogs will not release the tug until I command them to do so. I have started them on the body bite suit and they bite the arms and do transfers to the legs. I'm going to teach them on the find and bite system.

My questions are:

When the dogs are on the body bite suit, what training steps must I follow to teach the out?

Must I back tie the dog and when he won't out, must I correct into the sleeve or can I simply put him on the long line with a prong collar and correct him back? Must the corrections be one hard jerk or a few jerks?

When the dog out, must the dog re-bite immediately for reward and as he progresses must the dog wait longer before the re-bite and then eventually be taught to sit before the re-bite?

Instead of using the prong collar, can I use a remote trainer?

Once the dogs are working good on close range, how do I keep them clean on a longer distance?

Thank you for the good quality products that you sell.

South Africa
Ed Ed's Answer:
I have discussed the OUT in my Q&A section for police dogs on my web site.

In my opinion the OUT command is 100% a pack structure issue. It has a foundation that is built on leadership and gradually done under higher and high distraction. With the highest distraction being the helper fighting in the suit.

Immediate re-bites are part of the learning process. I prefer to use the remote collar but it needs to be introduced on the tug with the handler and not at the time it refuses to OUT off the helper. That ways it becomes clear to the dog – again an immediate re-bite helps. But the dog has to have 100% clear pack structure – he has to understand that the toys (tugs, sleeves, bite suite) are the owners toys and not the dogs toys. I just did a dvd

So this work is a process.

Trouble shooting means backing up the steps – and in serous OUT problems need to start at the highest level of stimulation.

At some point I need to do a training DVD on the OUT.

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