April 19, 2011
My 8 month old GSD is very soft. Can you help me with ideas on training?
Full Question:
We have an 8 month old puppy who is extremely soft. If we raise our voice just a little bit, he cowers. We have had him since he was 9 weeks old and has never been hit, spanked or beaten in any way. He is an excellent dog who listens great and when we do discipline him, it?s with verbal warnings only. He knows when he has done wrong and usually only does it once. My problem is that at a family gathering today he was kicked in the butt by a relative that feels you have to beat the dog to get him to obey. Not wanting to cause a scene, nothing was said. His leg is fine but he won?t perk up. This was several hours ago and he?s still moping around the house. He was so depressed at dinner he wouldn?t eat, (this from a dog who lives for dinner). I have taken him for a car ride, (which he loves), short walks around the block and even given him special treats, (along with lots and lots of attention and love). Nothing is working. I know we didn?t purchase this dog from you but I have heard several things about not only your breeding program but your training programs as well. I would be grateful for any information and/or suggestions you might have on this matter.Thank you sincerely,

The first thing to do is to tell the relative that he gets a kick in the butt the next time he touches your dog. If someone did this to my dog I would show him the door.
You need to do basic dog obedience work with this dog.
Soft dogs need obedience more than anything. This brings order to their lives and they need this. That tape shows how to do it properly. Once they understand the order in their life they gain some happiness from this.
You need to do basic dog obedience work with this dog.
Soft dogs need obedience more than anything. This brings order to their lives and they need this. That tape shows how to do it properly. Once they understand the order in their life they gain some happiness from this.
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