May 19, 2011

My dog is licking & chewing her feet, will your new herbal product for allergies work for her?

Full Question:

I have a 2 year old yellow Lab (Daisy). She began to lick and chew on her feet/pads about 6 months ago. Although she hasn't done any damage to herself, I'm sill concerned. Trying to figure out what is causing it has been a real chore. I started with changing to food with no grain, and a new single protein source. After six weeks this hasn't changed the chewing/licking issue. Now I'm wondering if it's environmental. I'd like to get Daisy some relief.

I read a response you gave to a question regarding allergies. You said you just started carrying a product called Clear Allergies. I'm interested in the fact that its ingredients are natural herbs. Do you have experience with this product? If so, do you think it might help? Our vet suggested using one of the foods they carry there (Science Diet), but in my opinion that food is crap and I won't use it. It has also been suggested that I try using Benadryl, but I'm not interested is doing that either, because of the side effects.

I'm not asking you to be my vet, but any suggestions you might have would be appreciated. There are no Holistic vets in my area, or I might give that a try.

Incidentally, the E-collar DVD along with the Dogtra E-collar have worked miracles in re-training my dog and myself regarding some bad habits she began to develop. Those bad habits were a direct result of some bone head things I was wrong. I think we are both straightened out now.

Salem, Oregon
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Our customers that are using Clear Allergies are giving good reports. The way to know if it will work for your dog is to try it, I don’t know of any other way to determine how your dog will do on it. It takes about 20 days to see results. If you search our website on Clear Allergies you’ll find some feedback on our forum on this. The search box is in the upper left hand side of the website on every page.

Good for you for turning down Science Diet, it’s absolutely one of the WORST foods out there. I can’t believe that vets sell it actually, it’s so bad.

I’d stick with a grain free diet and try the Clear Allergies and see how it goes.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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