April 19, 2011

My 9 month old GSD has been through puppy obedience classes. But when he comes into the house he jumps all over the furniture, chews on the kids, and will not listen. What should I do?

Full Question:
Hi, I have been reading your articles on training for about five months. I purchased a german shepherd puppy at the age of seven weeks old, he is now seven months old and just does not listen. He loves to be outside, but when he comes in the house he jumps on furniture, bites the kids, and basically just doesn't listen. I have taken him to puppy school and we are on level one obedience right now. I just don't know what to do with him. I don't want to leave him outside all the time I want a good house dog. My other shepherd was so good in the house. I was just wondering if this will get better as he gets older. I was thinking of sending him out to a private school for obedience.

Please help and let me know what to do, or do I just need to let him grow up and have patience with him.

Thank you so much,
Ed Ed's Answer:
You need to keep reading my web site.

Get a dog crate and crate train this dog. There is no excuse for a dog to act like this. It is not going to outgrow this behavior. The only thing that is going to change this behavior is training.

I am not a fan of sending a dog to a professional trainer. This only accomplishes one thing - it teaches the dog to mind the trainer. It does not teach the dog to mind you (no matter what the trainer tells you). Sending a dog out for training also does not teach you how to train the dog to mind you.

So get a dog crate, a prong collar, and the Basic Obedience tape that I sell and learn to train your own dog. You may be surprised by the results.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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