May 20, 2011

I know that you state that you no longer vaccinate your dogs. Does this include rabies shots also?

Full Question:
I've been reading a lot of information on your website and wondered if I could get you opinion on Vaccination. I know that you state that you no longer vaccinate your dogs. Does this include rabies shots also? I'm considering getting an Amstaff. While I will be a responsible owner, I still want to prepare myself for any mishaps. What is your opinion, should I opt for absolutely no shots at all, or do you have recommendation on what minimal vaccination is needed.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
You might be interested in these books Vaccine Guide for Dogs & Cats and Shock To The System

A lot of people email me about vaccines and want me to tell them what to do. I don’t feel that I’m doing them or their dogs a service by doing this. I think the best advice I can give is to do your research, weigh the pros & cons and make the decisions about vaccinations based on what feels right for you and your dog and your situation. I don’t feel that any of us should blindly follow vaccine advice, whether it’s given by a drug company, a doctor, a veterinarian, or me. Education is the key. I do not vaccinate my own dogs, but I base my decision on decades of raising dogs, years of working in the veterinary field and countless hours of research and experience. What’s right for me may not be right for everyone. Not vaccinating for rabies is against the law in all states, unless you have a waiver. Laws from state to state vary on the penalty if a dog that has not been vaccinated for rabies should bite someone. In Wisconsin, it’s quarantine. In other states the dog may be euthanized.

You can see why I can’t tell people what to do. Everyone’s situation is different and the repercussions can be severe. I encourage everyone to think for themselves on this topic.

I would direct you to the search function in the upper left corner of the website for any additional questions you may have.. If you type in your key words it will guide you to articles, Q & A’s and posts on our forum. Vaccines are a hot topic of discussion.

I hope this helps.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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