April 12, 2011

I am wondering if the Building Drive & Focus DVD is the right thing for me and my dog. What do you think?

Full Question:
I have a question concerning your video on building drive and focus. I was watching your video on electronic collar training and it mentions using this video. I was reading about it on your web site and it sounds like it is meant for younger dogs. My dog is almost 2 1/2 yrs. old.

I have worked with him since I brought him home as a 7 1/2 wk old pup and he is an amazing family pet. By the way, he's a neutered male Rotty. I've owned Rotty's exclusively for the last 25 years and love the breed. Too bad they get such a bad rep.

I work with him everyday in obedience using food as reward along with markers, either a "yes" or a clicker. As a matter of fact, I guess he's worked with all day in our normal living together and interaction. He absolutely loves this and you can see it in his eyes. I haven't had any intentions of anything other than keeping him a family pet with outstanding obedience, and we track some for fun.

Is there anything in the video on building drive and focus with Bernard Finks that we can benefit from? He loves going thru the obedience work but I'm afraid of it getting stale and boring and am looking for something new to keep his and my "interest" up.

I have several of your videos including, Basic Obedience, Puppy 8 weeks to 8 mos and just recently got electronic collar training and the pack structure videos. We have always used a pack structure type of training and I guess it's referred to as NILIF, nothing in life is free. I'm sure you've heard of it. I ordered your video just to make sure we haven't missed anything.

I got the electronic collar video because he get's so excited when neighbors come over, if my wife has him on a leash, he'll drag his way over to them and pull her right along. (He loves everyone) Anyway, sorry for being so long. Let me know about the drive and focus video or any other suggestions you may have for a continuing training program for a pet.

By the way, awesome videos and web site. I've learned a lot.

Ed Ed's Answer:
Good for you in working for markers. What I would rather see you get is the The Power of Playing Tug DVD. When this is done correctly the dog will not get bored. It's also good exercise for you and the dog. I am sitting her huffing because I just came in from playing a 5 minute game of tug with my 6 month old mal pup.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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