May 20, 2011

Our rescue dog has killed my other dog and one of my goats. I think that I either need to find her a new home or put her to sleep. What are your thought?

Full Question:
I have a Boxer that I rescued. The previous owner was terminally ill and had to give her up. Or that was what I was told. She seemed to be fine with all the other animals and then she got into a fight with one of my older dogs and that dog died from it.
Since then she has killed one of my baby goats and attacked an adult goat through the fence. I have been watching very closely and yesterday I saw him grab the male goat by the face and would not let go until I hit her with a stick. My daughters will not let my granddaughters come to my house until I get rid of this dog.

My question is: Should I try to find a home for her or put her down? This is a very hard decision for me.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
This is far more of an owner problem than a dog problem.

The dog lacks pack structure, training and a controlled environment. After the dog did this to a goat - why in the world would you allow this dog to be loose outside and out of your control?

Find a new home for the dog - one where the people will take an interest in learning how to establish pack structure and training - here are the links to do it. I don't think you're the right person for this dog.

Establishing Pack Structure with the Family Pet
Basic Dog Obedience
Remote Collar Training for Pet Owners

I don't think its fair to kill a dog because of your mistakes and lack of training.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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