May 20, 2011

I do all the work - feed, train, etc - when it comes to taking care of my dog, where my boyfriend always spoils her, but she attacks only me. What am I doing wrong?

Full Question:

I just got your DVD about dominant and aggressive dogs. Let me tell you about my 8 months old puppy. She is jack Russell/beagle mix. She is very smart she listen very well. She is very aggressive towards me and just me since she was about 3-4 months old. She is very friendly. She starts showing her teeth and snipes for no reason. Mostly when I pet her or pick her up but not always. Since she was a baby we let her sleep in bed. I'm very strict with her now, but my boyfriend just spoiled her, eating food from his mouth in our bed and other stuff. She doesn't sleep in our bedroom, but any time I leave them alone home the dog can do what ever she wants and get away with it. I'm the one who takes her out, feeds her, run to classes with her and trains her. Why does the dog only attack me? I have started correcting her with a training collar but she just attacked back and got ever more aggressive and then she goes to her cage and 2 min later she is crying and being sorry. She cries for hours. Please could you help me somehow.

Thank you,
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Your dog doesn't respect you as a leader, when she shows her teeth at you it's because she feels she is the boss, and you are the follower.

In addition to watching the Dominant and Aggressive Dog DVD, you need to learn and study pack structure and begin to apply it with your dog.

Please read this article about becoming an effective pack leader.

The first sentence in this article says it all: "You can feed water and love your dog and he will like you but he very well may not respect you." 99% of all behavioral problems are a result of dogs not respecting their owners. This happens as a result of poor handling and/or poor training.

This article was written for people like yourself, people who have great intentions but not enough knowledge of pack structure.. There are links within the article that will take you to other articles on my web site.

I am going to recommend a couple more DVD's to help you with your issues, the first one is Pack Structure for the Family Pet and it picks up where the groundwork article leaves off.

Once you have your leadership issues under control, then I would suggest obedience training.

Your dog is behaving like any normal adolescent dog, and like all dogs if you don't offer her the structure, leadership and exercise she needs then she will seek to take charge.

The material I have suggested to you will help you take the control back in your house.

I hope this helps.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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