May 20, 2011

My wife & I just got a dog, we want to start him off right and know we have a long way to go. What do you suggest?

Full Question:
Dear Ed,

My wife and I recently rescued a two year old female pit bull. We have had her for two or three weeks, walk her for at least two hours a day, and she has shown no signs of aggression towards people, however, she does pull on her leash on the walks and wants to pull towards other dogs/people. It's obvious to us that we have a long way to go.

We want to make sure that we are providing the best possible situation for her and us.

I just ordered your Basic dog obedience and pack structure DVDs

Is it realistic that we can train her ourselves or would you recommend we find a professional in our area. If so, do you have suggestions for a trainer in Tucson, AZ.

Thanks for your time,
Cindy Cindy's Answer:

First – thank you for your business.

You have to train this dog yourself. Sending a dog off for training never works and in many cases the people you send the dog to use WAY TOO MUCH FORCE because to them time is money. In the end it intimately does not work because your dog needs to establish you as a pack leader and sending the dog someplace else does not solve this problem. The dog learns to mind the trainer and it will always revert back to old problems when it comes home.

Listen to my podcast on MY PHILOSOPHY ON DOG TRAINING - it is on my web site. I talk about this in that podcast

You are on the right path here with the two DVD’s. Study them – they are not meant to just be watched like a movie. You will see – there is a lot of information.

Pitts can be HARD DOGS - (as opposed to soft dog in terms of corrections). This is discussed in the dvds your getting. You may find that you need to train this dog with a remote collar. Bottom line is I will never train a dog again without a remote collar and low level stimulation. I did a DVD on this REMOTE COLLAR TRAINING FOR THE PET OWNER I use a Dogtra 1900 on my personal dog.

Read the article I wrote titled THEORY OF CORRECTIONS IN DOG TRAINING. This may also help you.

I hope this helps clear some thing up for you.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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