May 20, 2011

I have a 2-yr-old dog who growls at me if I try to approach him while he is laying down, resting, or sleeping. Is his growling acceptable?

Full Question:
Great web site! I have a 2 year old male shar pei who growls at me if I try to approach him while he is laying down/resting/sleeping. If I proceed to approach him when he growls, he will then bark viciously and snap at me. A few seconds after he does that, he seems out of sorts and remorseful, and comes right over to me to give me a kiss/lick. Although it is frightening when he snaps, is this acceptable? After all, I WAS interrupting his sleep and I myself wouldn't be a happy camper if someone woke me up when I was resting. Or, is it unacceptable for a dog to snap at its owner at ANY given time?
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
This is 100% a lack of pack structure problem. The dog ended up like this because of how you have been living with it.

If you want to fix it you can but it requires you changing the way you live with this dog along with you educating yourself on pack structure and obedience training. Here are the DVDs that will solve your problems with this dog (before it bites you)

Establishing Pack Structure with the Family Dog
Basic Dog Obedience
Remote Collar Training for the Family Dog

You completely misunderstand what is going on here. This dog is not one bit remorseful – he is telling you “OK you backed down when I told you who the boss was and now time to pet me.”

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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