May 20, 2011

I want to teach my dog basic obedience. In watching the marker video I was totally impressed but wasn't sure if that is the method you use for basic obedience. What would work the best?

Full Question:

I'm hoping you can answer what I hope to be a very easy question. I have been searching the internet for weeks trying to find a good training video. I happened on your site and feel that the answer is on here but I am so totally confused at this point from all the information and opinions I have read it is all becoming a jumble.

First a little about my dog. She is an 18 month old pit bull we just got about a month ago from a couple who was splitting up and neither one of them could take the dog with them. She is an absolute sweetheart, not a hint of aggression. She constantly wants to play with our cats (but they are not all that wild about the idea hehehehe) is friendly to any animal she meets and loves all the humans. She is extremely easy goiing, maybe to the point of being skittish as she can be startled easily. So what I am looking for is what would be the best training method.

Primarily I want to teach her basic obedience. She walks fairly well on a leash with the problem more of lagging behind than pulling ahead.

She is very slow to come when called. She will sit or down stay fairly well but needs some work. I really just want to be able to take her for a well behaved walk and have her obey basic commands.

I know you have a basic obedience DVD but in reading how much Ed is sold on the marker method I just am not sure what I need. In watching the marker video I was totally impressed but wasn't sure if that is the method you use for basic obedience. From the information I've given here can you figure what would work the best?

Thanks for your time. I do appreciate it.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
The key to having a well adjusted family dog is pack structure, leadership and then obedience training.

I don't believe there is one video that encompasses all of the information you need so I'll list them in the order I feel they would do you the most good.

I’d start with our Groundwork program. This is a free article that gives you the foundation of pack structure, especially important to a new dog.

Pack Structure for the Family Pet
The Power of Training Dogs with Markers
Basic Dog Obedience

You may want to join our discussion forum too, it's a great resource.

I hope this helps.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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