May 24, 2011

I just started feeding my dog a raw diet again, and his stools are really foul smelling and full of undigested meat. I’m feeding him a pound of venison at night, is that too much?

Full Question:
Cindy -

I first started feeding a raw diet to my black lab based on what I read from your website.

I recently started feeding a raw diet again, and have a question based on what I've seen so far.

I just started and am on the 5th day. What I have been doing is feeding the remaining dry dog food in the morning, and then cut up deer meat in the afternoon.

The dogs stools are REALLY foul smelling and come out in a big blob of gelatinous looking material. Today, I looked closer, and there is some undigested pieces of deer meat in the stools. (I had cut the meat up to stew meat size, and some pieces looked like you could wash them off and you'd never know the difference). Just a few pieces, but surprising nonetheless.

Maybe I am feeding too much deer meat and it isn't all getting digested? I have been feeding a pound at a time, I might back that off by half?

I don't remember the stools being so foul when i did this previously. Maybe it will take the dog a little time to adjust?

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
This really isn’t the way I would go about feeding a raw diet, feeding a pound of boneless meat and then kibble at the next meal are likely too much for his system.

Here is a Q & A section on raw feeding,

I would recommend having these 2 books in your library, you’ll use them a lot at first. Raw Dog Food and Natural Nutrition for Dogs & Cats. We give both of these books to our puppy customers and we almost never get questions on raw feeding.

An incorrect raw diet can actually be dangerous to the dog’s health, so I’d make sure you have all your reference materials on hand before starting again.

Your dog may also need digestive enzymes during the switch to help his system properly digest the raw food.

There is a ton of info on our discussion forum also.

In the meantime, I’d put this dog on a bland diet of some boiled chicken and rice for a few days to let his gut settle down.

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