September 21, 2011

I'm thinking about switching over to raw feeding. I like the dehydrated food, but it's too expensive for 3 large dogs. What would you suggest?

Full Question:

I'm considering changing my 3 English golden retrievers to this new way of feeding them. I was surprised last night after dinner we had some peas left over so I thought I would see if they would eat it and they all loved it!

These are breeding dogs and are 4 yrs, 3 yrs, and 18 months - all about 60 lbs.

I like the dehydrated idea but I think it is too expensive for 3 - $450 per month is high for me - can you give me some ideas about maybe using both - like could I use the dehydrated a few days a week and then raw the other?

Can you please give me some ideas.

Thanks for your time,
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
For the big dogs, we use raw as the base and add the dehydrated like a “side dish” instead of adding veggies.

I don’t do it every day, maybe 4 days a week.

Look here if you have a question on Honest Kitchen. You may get some good ideas.

Here is a Q&A section on raw feeding.

The best books for learning about the raw diet are Raw Dog Food and Natural Nutrition for Dogs & Cats. We give both these books to our puppy customers and rarely have questions about the diet. One of the newer feeding books we offer is Raw & Natural Nutrition for Dogs. This title covers homemade cooked & raw diets complete with recipes. I highly recommend all these books.

Cindy Rhodes

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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