April 19, 2011
My pup will sometimes not make it outside to pee when I let it out of the crate. It gets excited and either pees on the floor or on the way to the door. What can I do?
Full Question:
My pup will sometimes not make it outside to pee when I let it out of the crate. It gets excited and either pees on the floor or on the way to the door. What can I do?
Ed's Answer:
This is not that uncommon. Pick the puppy up when you let it out of the crate. Carry it to the door and put it down outside. Very few dogs will pee when you carry them. You can do this for a long time before you have to let him walk to the yard. Sometimes a puppy can be 12 to 14 weeks old and still not have a large enough bladder to hold their urine overnight - so they really have to go when you let them outside.
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