December 18, 2013

We have 2 four month old puppies and the Golden Retriever is beating up on the Cavalier. Help!

Full Question:
I didn't read your article to not get 2 puppies at one time. Now that it is too late, we have a female golden retriever and a male cavalier both about 4 months. We have had them for 1 month and potty training is pretty good. We do have the occasional accident. Our big problem is the golden is beating up on the cavalier. We have tried putting her in her crate when she starts, we have tried loud noises and spraying water but to no avail. we can't let either one go as they both have physical problems. HELP!!!
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I would recommend having 2 ex-pen set ups for the puppies, that way they each have their own "space" where they can't interact whenever they feel like it but they can learn about living in your home and be near each other.

I would highly recommend the videosĀ Your Puppy 8 Weeks to 8 Months and Living with Your Puppy~Establishing Pack Structure.

With all puppies, we control their environment 100% until they are trained properly. This is even more important when you have 2. Unless you separate them and train each one separately, I think you'll be in for some bigger issues down the road.

We have a number of eBooks that may be helpful.

I hope this helps.

Cindy Rhodes

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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