January 17, 2021
What can I do to help my 6 month old cockapoo be more comfortable on walks and in the park?
Full Question:
Hello! My 6 month old cockapoo is nervous when walking the trails in the park. He also does not like to walk in the neighborhood unless someone else is with us! I have tried to use treats and praise him when he gets to a certain point with no luck! He is VERY smart and loves people and other dogs... no matter the size. He has a big space in the back yard to run and chase the balls and gets plenty of exercise without the walks. What can I do to help him be more comfortable on walks and in the park?
Thank You!

All dogs (and living things) have thresholds for comfort. Some dogs are confident everywhere but many others, especially young dogs, are reluctant to leave their familiar territory. Their confidence usually grows with experience and maturity but in the meantime I would work on a skill we call engagement. It's an interaction with your dog that you first teach at home and it becomes extremely useful in the face of distraction or if the dog is feeling unsure. It's a process that isn't done in a day or a week, but I use it in many different situations and environments for the life of my dogs. With nervous or young dogs, teaching them to engage on a verbal cue can be a big confidence boost for them. They gain comfort for knowing what to expect.
I will link some material for you to consider below.
I will link some material for you to consider below.
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Thank you! I appreciate your time and suggestions!
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