February 01, 2021
I’m getting very frustrated with my 11 week old puppy! He pees in the ex-pen and pulls on the leash so hard he chokes himself. Is he a normal puppy?
Full Question:
Hi Cindy, I don't mean to keep bothering you but I am having some problem with my pup.
1) I use a comfort flex collar and British slip lead at night when I take him to the bathroom. He pulls so hard on the leash that he chokes himself, I can't get him to stop pulling. He's 11 weeks should I use a pinch collar now or wait? This dog is very head strong and determined to go and get whatever wants.
2) I have problems with him peeing in his pen. He's great at night and no issues in the crate. I take him out frequently and I put him in his pen so he can play with his toys for a while in the morning, afternoon, and evening but he is always pees in his pen. I am very frustrated! I try to let him have time out of his crate but he is always peeing. I take him outside and play with him with a toy on a string & his ball (he brings it back to me most of the time.)
3) At what age do you start training with food? Is he a normal puppy? My last dog was 4 months when I got him I don't remember these issues.

I would have him checked over by a vet to rule out a urinary tract infection. If he's all clear, then I'd stop using the expen for a while. If you keep allowing him to practice the wrong thing, it will become a habit. But, before you worry about that have him checked out medically.
I would not use a prong collar with such a young puppy. Have you tried using a longer line so he can move around more freely? A slip lead is typically very short and until my puppies are ready for some leash pressure I use either an 8 foot or longer line on them when I take them out to go to the bathroom. Michael often uses a harness and a flexi so the puppy doesn't rehearse pulling on the collar.
I start training with food from day one, and use food to redirect my puppies from things in the environment that they want to grab. I also use a toy, just something for them to hang on to while we're out and about. Go over the material in the Raising a Puppy with Michael Ellis on redirection, etc..
All puppies are different, so it's hard to say what's normal for each one. I've had lots of puppies that drive me crazy for the first year of their life and others that were much easier. The more frustrated you get, the harder getting through puppyhood will be for you and for the puppy. Even if they don't outwardly show it, puppies are affected by our moods. He's like a human toddler so keep that in mind. He's not trying to drive you crazy, he's just learning about the world in his own little puppy way.
You may also want to speak with your breeder, they are often a good resource for insight into how the puppies/dogs from their bloodlines develop and mature.
I would not use a prong collar with such a young puppy. Have you tried using a longer line so he can move around more freely? A slip lead is typically very short and until my puppies are ready for some leash pressure I use either an 8 foot or longer line on them when I take them out to go to the bathroom. Michael often uses a harness and a flexi so the puppy doesn't rehearse pulling on the collar.
I start training with food from day one, and use food to redirect my puppies from things in the environment that they want to grab. I also use a toy, just something for them to hang on to while we're out and about. Go over the material in the Raising a Puppy with Michael Ellis on redirection, etc..
All puppies are different, so it's hard to say what's normal for each one. I've had lots of puppies that drive me crazy for the first year of their life and others that were much easier. The more frustrated you get, the harder getting through puppyhood will be for you and for the puppy. Even if they don't outwardly show it, puppies are affected by our moods. He's like a human toddler so keep that in mind. He's not trying to drive you crazy, he's just learning about the world in his own little puppy way.
You may also want to speak with your breeder, they are often a good resource for insight into how the puppies/dogs from their bloodlines develop and mature.
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