July 01, 2019
My 4-Month-Old Puppy Barks During Training - Any suggestions?
Full Question:
My four and half-month-old lab puppy has started barking while training. I don't think that I have accidentally cued this, and it may be frustration or excitement. But I want to make sure it doesn't become a habit, as it will not be acceptable in an obedience ring. I start each session with engagement. Any suggestions?

What do you do when he barks? Usually whining takes place right before a dog barks or a dog whines during training and it was accidentally reinforced and as the drive goes up the whine becomes a bark.
Does he know how to bark on cue?
Does he know how to bark on cue?
User Response:
I have not noticed whining, and I have not trained a bark on cue. When he barks I tell him no and do not mark until he is quiet and engaged. 

I would teach a bark on cue, that way you can teach a quiet on cue as well.
for dogs or puppies that bark when they are excited or trying to get my attention, I use my NO marker (as you do) then stop what I am doing and break engagement from them until they are quiet.
Do you see that he is doing it in a specific situation or activity? are you using food to reinforce your normal training or have you introduced toys as well? Just trying to get an idea of when he may be most likely to do this so I can help you figure out a solution.
for dogs or puppies that bark when they are excited or trying to get my attention, I use my NO marker (as you do) then stop what I am doing and break engagement from them until they are quiet.
Do you see that he is doing it in a specific situation or activity? are you using food to reinforce your normal training or have you introduced toys as well? Just trying to get an idea of when he may be most likely to do this so I can help you figure out a solution.
User Response:
I will start to teach bark on cue. I do use food and have not yet transitioned over to toy rewards. This seem to start when I was training the down. He does seem to frustrate easily and get excited about the food rewards. I really appreciate your input. User Response:
I want to add that breaking engagement until he is quiet is really a great idea, and I will definitely try that. Is there any chance he will outgrow this as he matures and develops more self-control? User Response:
Cindy, I just wanted to follow up on the barking issue that I was having while training. Your advice was extremely helpful. The speak command and no bark command has worked well. Once he understood both commands, barking, while working and training, is no longer an issue. Thanks again. 

That's great to hear, I love to get feedback on whether my suggestions helped or didn't help. :) Thanks for letting me know.
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