December 16, 2024
My dog is not neutered and if he catches the scent of a female in heat he runs off, will a remote collar work to fix this?
Full Question:
My 3 1/2 year old labradoodle is not neutered. He catches the scent of an in heat dog and it’s off to the races. We walk on the beach daily and folks bring their in heat dogs on vacation. He will follow a weeks-old scent. He’s been off leash since he’s been 8 weeks old. Will a remote collar work? 

The remote collar is a great tool but it's not a magic bullet for this kind of issue. I would first suggest you stop allowing him to practice the wrong behavior and work on a rock-solid recall on a leash and long line. The more rehearsals dogs have of any behavior, the more ingrained it becomes. (both behaviors we want and behaviors we don't) this is also a hormone-driven behavior and it can be a real challenge to control some males when they smell females in season.
Once he's solid on a recall in all environments on a leash and long line, in separate training sessions you will want to condition him to the remote collar. Then it's a matter of combining the collar with his known commands and practicing it over and over. It's much easier to work with a young dog that has no history of running off following his nose than a mature dog that has practiced this for a while. I would recommend working with a knowledgeable trainer for help with this issue.
With consistency and good training, the remote collar is one of the best tools out there.
Once he's solid on a recall in all environments on a leash and long line, in separate training sessions you will want to condition him to the remote collar. Then it's a matter of combining the collar with his known commands and practicing it over and over. It's much easier to work with a young dog that has no history of running off following his nose than a mature dog that has practiced this for a while. I would recommend working with a knowledgeable trainer for help with this issue.
With consistency and good training, the remote collar is one of the best tools out there.
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