March 01, 2025

My young female German Shepherd guards toys from our older male dog. How do we resolve this possessive behavior?

Full Question:
I have a 1.5 y.o. Working line Female Gsd and 5 y.o. Male Gsd. Both r neutered.
The female is guarded with possessions toward our male. When we are in the house relaxing and our male gets up to move towards a toy way across the room the female will rush and grab the toy. She’ll chew on it (Maybe, she just doesn’t want him to have it)then perhaps the male may a few minutes later go after another chew item. She’ll go after him again- and either take this new toy or guard it so he can’t have it. Regardless she won’t let him chew on any available toy.

Nothing else has happened other than a growl occasionally from the female. Now if it is a high value item, say we give them each a loaded Kong, the male will guard it with his life if she tries to take it. And she will back down. He’s not a pushover other than with her.
Sometimes we just remove her from the room in a enclosed area close by so he can have his chew time.
Any way to resolve this possessive behavior?
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I simply don't allow dogs that behave like this to have resources in this situation unless they will go to their designated space and stay there. I use the elevated cot style Kuranda beds and my dogs are taught to relax on these from puppyhood and it is how I teach them to stay while we watch tv or eat dinner or I work on my computer.

Sooner or later you're most likely going to have a fight if you let her continue to behave like this. My young dogs are on a leash or long line at all times if they show tendencies to be guardy with resources, that way my other dogs don't have to deal with the rude and potentially dangerous behavior from the younger ones.

My older dogs deserve to have their chews, toys or whatever in peace, I don't want to put them in a position where they have to guard things from each other. It's up to me to reinforce the rules.

As your female becomes a mature adult she may decide NOT to back down if the male stands her ground. You could also use an expen or baby gates or crates - same concept as removing her from the room except with an expen she's actually in the living space but unable to make the wrong choices and I find it works well to manage the younger dogs without me having to be on alert the whole time.

The downside is that if your dog wasn't habituated to an expen as a little puppy it might be difficult for her to settle in there.
User Response:
Thankyou for your response.
They are both acclimated to xpens as pups.
We just get lazy about putting her in a pen and leaving chew toys around.
Hope to get my Husband on board with your advice.
Thanks again for your time!

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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