April 21, 2011
My 7 month old pup chews when he sleeps in the kitchen at night and when he is loose in the back yard. What can I do?
Full Question:
I have a 7 month old male GSD and I have a problem with him chewing on things. If anything is left outside or in the kitchen, were he sleeps he will chew it up. I have completed your basic obedience video and we are continuing to train him. But I don't know how to stop him from chewing things up. I have been giving him corrections when I catch him in the act, but those times are few and far between. Can I correct him for chewing if its the next day when I find something chewed up.I also was interested in training him in search and rescue work, but didn't find a video on your sight for beginners.
Thank you for any help you can lend.

You can try Bitter Apple - but the fact is I would make a dog sleep in a dog crate and stay in a chain link kennel when its outside. You add stress to your life and your dogs life by trying to fix a problem that you create by leaving a young dog loose when it should be confined.
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