April 22, 2011

My dog has bitten 48 people. Do you have any suggestions on how I can handle him?

Full Question:
Where do I start. Maxx is a Black Cocker Spaniel that I rescued when he was 6 months (now he is 23 months). I rescued him from being put down. Maxx is very aggressive and I don't know what to do. It seems like he doesn't want to be around anyone by me. He is very selfish and doesn't even want anyone or another dog to touch him. Examples: When I put Maxx out to go to the bathroom (he is very Obsessive Compulsive) he always goes to the bathroom in the same place in the yard which is a good thing. But when he is done he will walk very close to the fence all the way back down to the back door. As though the ground is nasty. He is a very clean and disciplined dog meaning he wants to go out the same time everyday and as I said earlier goes to the exact same spot. We are staying with my daughter and she has an American Bull Terrier (3 months old) but the same size as Maxx. One day they both were laying side by side on the floor next to the heater and whenever Bo's paw would touch Maxx's foot or something Maxx would jump and pull his paw back quickly and the look he would give Bo would be a "Don't you touch me EVER'' look. Bo tries to pull his blanket out of his cage and Maxx goes crazy. Growling and pulling it back. As I said earlier Maxx was about to be put down. He is a ''snapper.''

At the time that I received him he had snapped (lightly bitten but never broke skin) at approximately 14 people or 14 times. He is up to 48 times. He seems to have some sort of fear that he has to protect himself. I'm not sure what it is. Maxx bit a young boy in the face. He had to get 1 stitch. I have told the young boy never to touch Maxx (the kids always wanted to run up and pet Maxx when I was walking him) but I never let them. This 1 time my daughter put Maxx on the front porch on his leash and the young boy came from across the street and was sitting on the porch petting Maxx. Maxx got a piece of tissue in his mouth and the little boy was trying to take it away from him and that is when Maxx bite him. I keep Maxx crated and muzzled if company comes into the house.

My grown children think that I should have him put down but I love him and he loves me. I'm all he has. And its to the point that I just won't let anyone come into my home if they feel that way. I WILL NOT PUT HIM DOWN!!! Do you have any suggestions on how I can handle him? He has been to obedient training before I got him. I will do whatever I can. I have to move out of my daughters home because they said its Maxx or Me and Maxx........BYE.

Anything that you can suggest would be great!

Ed Ed's Answer:

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but this is 100% an owner problem and not a dog problem. I know that cockers can be nasty little critters, but with that said when they are introduced to pack structure and meaningful obedience training they learn to control themselves because the respect the consequences of inappropriate aggression. That has not happened in your home and these dog bites are the result.

Anyone who owns a dog who has bit 48 people either needs to NOT OWN A DOG or they need to face reality. You have been living in denial and “anthropomorphized" this dog (treated it like a human).

I have several dog training DVDs that will educate you on what needs to be done. I have listed them below. But if you’re not willing to change the way you live with this dog then don’t waste your money. If you really like this dog then you need to step up to the line and admit you have been the problem.

Dealing with Dominant and Aggressive Dogs
Establishing Pack Structure with the Family Dog
Basic Dog Obedience

Kind Regards,
Ed Frawley

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