April 26, 2011

I was inbetween my dogs when they started to fight and was injured. I know much of what I have been doing as an owner is wrong, but what are your thoughts?

Full Question:
Hi Ed,

I found your site online and I wish I found it earlier. After reading some of your site I realize I didn't know the importance about properly training dogs from the start and it clearly wasn't a smart thing to do when I stuck my hand in the middle of my fighting dogs - but it already happened and I want to try and figure out what to do now.

Basically I tried to break my dogs up during a fight that took place indoors, and I was in the middle of them from the get go so I guess it wasn't 100% my stupidity, maybe just 99%. My submissive dog was on the couch next to me and my dominant dog was on the floor on the other side of me. (I know, bad bad bad....) I ended up losing the top part of my left ring finger, and it was excruciating... There are also bite wounds on my right arm on the inside. I think she realized she was biting me at that point and let go, since she could have easily ripped that part of my arm off.

I have a male and a female. Both are mutts from the pound that I got when they were both puppies, and the female has clearly become dominant. There are things my wife and I do that led to her disposition that I can describe in detail if you need more info but what I want to know is if I should put her down due to this?

I personally don't feel 100% safe with her anymore but I also love her immensely and know she didn't intend on attacking me, she was attacking my other dog who is totally submissive. I just stuck my hand in the way... Her name is Sadie and she is about 75lbs. My male dog is named Bentley and about 70lbs. I plan on having children and there is no way I will feel comfortable with her around any kids or any other dogs at this point. Do I put her down or try to give her to someone that has no kids or other animals or what do I do?

Considering she bit off a large part of my finger I don't see how any shelter will take her and I certainly can't lie to anyone about why I want to give her up...so it just seems like there is no hope for her and I feel horrible for this and totally responsible as well.. She is unbelievably powerful and protective, so maybe someone would want her has a guard dog???

Any advice is greatly appreciated...

Ed Ed's Answer:
Boy I am sure this was really painful. I have owned tough dangerous dogs for 35 years and never been bit much less had this damage.

Your right – this was 100% your fault. This happened because of the way you chose to live with these dogs. You did not establish pack structure nor did you train this dog.

Its also not a difficult thing to fix if you choose to do so.

The fix starts with getting two dog crates and then educating yourself on pack structure.


Basic dog Obedience
Remote Collar training for the Pet Owner

Read the descriptions of these DVD’s. Read the free eBooks on my web site. There is one on how to break up a dog fight without getting hurt.

Bottom line is if you control the environment of these dogs, do a better job of establishing leaderships and then train these dogs there is no reason to find a new home for the dogs. I seriously doubt these are dangerous dogs. I compare it to someone who owns a gun shooting themselves in the hand because they never learned how to use the gun – was it the guns fault? I think not.

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