April 26, 2011

My dog was attacked when she was a puppy. I've worked on her aggression and have taken her to a dog park but she still behaves aggressively to certain dogs.

Full Question:
Hi Ed,

I have been looking around your site and reading the various articles. I have a 4 year old Labradoodle (poodle X lab) I know it isn't one of the usual breeds you deal with, however I am in need of some advice.

My dog was attacked as a puppy by 7 GSD's. I was out walking her and had let her off the lead in an enclosed space in order to do some training. A man with the pack of dogs walked up to the gate and came in. The dogs saw my pup and pulled the leads out of his hands and chased her. Before I could pick her up, they had chased her out of the park and across two fields. I finally caught her as they had her cornered in some bushes. I don't think the dogs actually bit her - however it has had a long-lasting affect on her. Since that incident, I became very nervous when walking her around other dogs, as did she. She was then charged and attacked by a Boxer, who did actually bite her.

At around 2 years old, her aggression towards other dogs became uncontrollable and embarrassing. I think it was fear based. Whenever a dog came up to sniff her rear (she has mild hip-dysplasia which might contribute to it) she would turn and snap at them, then run away with her tail between her legs. She would lunge at dogs when she was on a lead too.

I came across Cesar Millan (I don't know what your views are on him?) and it all made sense. I have been following his rules for nearly 2 years now and they are working very well.

I have been socializing my dog with friendly dogs and it is going well. She has lots of doggy friends and can play nicely with other dogs. On a scale to 1 - 10, her aggression a couple of years ago was about a 6. Now, I would say it is about a 3-4. She can interact with other dogs with nearly no problem now. Only if they are too boisterous she may growl at them, which I think is fair.

Recently we have been walking (off-lead in a park where the dogs can play. I live in the UK, and this is the norm among dog owners) with a collie X (and it's owner). This dog chases other dogs (especially small dogs) it is very rough and pushy in play too. My dog has also started to display the same behavior - chasing small dogs. Can dogs pick up behaviors that easily? My dog attacked two small terriers, both of whom were old. No injuries were actually inflicted on them, however both the patterns of attack were the same. She ran up to it, sniffed it, and watched it tensely. When it moved, she then growled at it, flipped it over and started to bite - release it. She didn't actually clamp down onto them, which is what I can't understand, as it can't really be classed as a 'bite'. She chases squirrels, however I have used a vibration collar to stop this habit. I was thinking she might be seeing the small dogs as the squirrels? She is better with small dogs that are moving. It is the old/timid ones she has problems with.

My dog is very affectionate with people and the dogs she knows. She is actually very obedient - but obviously not enough. If I could only solve this problem she would be the perfect dog!

Any advice greatly appreciated,
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I would NOT allow this dog to be off leash around other dogs from outside her circle of friends.

Ed has written an article about dog parks.

Since you have experienced first hand the long term psychological damage that can occur from being attacked by other dogs I am surprised you would allow her to do this.

Whether your dog sees other dogs as prey items or as threats to her, it makes no difference. If you can’t control her off leash in the face of distraction, she should not be off leash in these situations.

She needs more training and you need to be more selective as to the types of situations you allow her to face off leash until she’s reliable. For some dogs, this may not ever happen in the company of strange dogs.

I would suggest our groundwork program and the videos Pack Structure for the Family Pet and Dealing with Dominant & Aggressive Dogs.

We also have a number of eBooks, which include topics that may help you.

For future questions, you might benefit from learning to use our SEARCH function, which is located in the top left corner of every page of the website. If you type in your key words or question it will find you articles, Q & A’s, free streaming video and links to threads on our discussion forum. Our website has over 16,000 pages and it’s very likely you’ll find the information you are looking for. I hope this helps.

Cindy Rhodes

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