April 28, 2011

My dog has bit me 2 times in 2 days. I think the Lord has sent me a message. What can I do?

Full Question:
I was searching the internet this evening and came across your site that had many questions and answers regarding fear biters and the like. I am struggling with a decision that I fear I know the answer to and would like to ask your opinion.

My wife and I adopted a dog at the local shelter about three years ago. He is a Norfolk Terrier Mix we believe. The dog was days away from being put down and we took him home and have loved him extravagantly ever since. He was in the pound for biting an 8 year old kid, but we gave him the benefit of the doubt and took him home anyway.

This dog was notably abused based on his reactions to us. He is afraid of certain men, especially men with boots. He has bitten me approximately 10 times over the three years, and we have been on the verge of putting him down. He is great with other dogs, including our Schnauzer who is 8 years old. At home when he is comfortable, he is adorable and very very loving.

However..... The times when he bites are times when he is uncomfortable or you are around his food or bones. If you point your finger at him and reprimand him, he immediately shows his teeth and will bite if provoked further. He gets very uncomfortable when picked up and he will growl and sometimes snap at you when you put him back on the floor. If you move slowly across the room acting suspicious or run, he will come after you and simulate an attack until you stop. He has bitten my sister's little brother because he was afraid of dogs and moved very gingerly when around him and Midget (that is his name) snapped at him because of his fear.

Other instances include men who were at our home working on the house. The other day a man was in the back yard with me and Midget accidentally got into the yard when my wife opened the door. He darted across the yard and immediately ran and bit the worker on the leg and I had to tackle him. He left a good sized puncture wound. He has also bitten a friend of ours that was in the house, and two other men working at our house unprovoked. My mom and brother are scared of him. If you put your hands near his face he shows his teeth and will snap if you make any quick movements.

My wife and I are having our first child in April and are struggling with this decision. Our first inclination was to just see how he reacts around the child and hope that he adjusts while our son grows up with him. I was just bitten again yesterday when I tried to nudge him off the couch and he bit me very good on the hand.

I fear that there is no other choice but to put him down. I thought that maybe there was some medication that we could put him on or just pull all of his teeth. I don't know. However, it has been three years and his biting has not subsided in any situation when he is scared or uncomfortable to him. That is his immediate reaction. I know that he is not adoptable and will not change. With the baby coming, I am forced to make this decision regarding this member of our family that has grown very close to our hearts. I think that if I have to put him down I should do it now so that our other dog has three months to adjust to his departure before introducing an infant into the house.

Please let me know what you suggest and any words of encouragement are appreciated for this very very difficult decision. We love him, and he is very loving towards us, but I feel that the Lord had given me an unmistakable sign with two biting incidents in the last two days that has helped me come to a conclusion in this situation. Please advise.

Arlington, Texas
Ed Ed's Answer:
Well I am not sure the lord sent you a message but the dog certainly did.

Spend a little more time reading the articles I have written on dominant dogs and the Q&A sections on dominant dogs. Look in the list of training articles on my web site.

Sorry I cannot retype the answers that are already there.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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