April 28, 2011

My dog has been through your basic obedience training videos and it has made a world of difference but he still try's to take a nip of the occasional visitor to our home. Suggestions?

Full Question:
Dear Ed,

Hello there from Australia and thank you once again for your invaluable advice and information provided through your web site. A while ago you advised me (via email) about training my German Shepherd. Upon purchasing your Basic Dog Obedience video and applying the training techniques within, I am thrilled to report overwhelming improvement in the discipline and relationship with my dog as a direct result of that video. Thank you 1 million times over!!! Zach is just over 2 years old now (male - not de-sexed) and really does obey my commands - even distraction training is coming along tremendously.

That said, I would appreciate your opinion / advice on a habit he has developed lately. Zach is quite aggressive (if that's the right term) - charges the fence and fetches the ball etc. with passion and doesn't take very kindly to strangers at all, despite being well socialized from very young. His animosity is not so bad in public (some days completely non existent), though as a result he is an excellent alarm dog at home. This isn't really a problem to me as the yard has the appropriate fencing and space etc. and I am a very responsible owner, but it would be nice to try and 'tone it down' a bit. Also, lately when there is a visitor at home he will occasionally sneak up behind them (after they have been on the property a while) and give a single quick nip with the front teeth, usually on the lower leg or elbow, and then back away. The last incident he actually jumped up (front paws off the ground) to do it. This has never happened to anyone 'in the pack' - it is only ever to strangers/visitors and always adults - kids seem to be fine.

Could you please help me understand what causes this behavior and how (if at all) I can go about training it out of him. I always give him a level '15' correction upon doing this but he just can't seem to resist the urge.

Regards and best wishes,
Ed Ed's Answer:
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but your dog has weak nerves and is a fear biter. I have written about this. You will not change this behavior but you can control it through strict obedience. When people come - send the dog to his rug or crate. If he gets up - KILL THE SOB - make him fear for his life if he does not mind. But ALWAYS GIVE A RELEASE when he is allowed to leave the rug. If you don't you screw up the dogs mind. It must be very, very clear to the dog - go to the rug and be happy - get up before my owner says I can and die or wait until my owner says its OK to get up (by the owner saying OK) and have a happy time with the owner. Dogs understand black and white issues - people see in shades of gray - dogs do not.

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