May 03, 2011

I believe you should take your puppy formula recipe off your web site.

Full Question:
I would like to start off by telling you my story. I live in Concord, NC. I had a four year old pit bull named Kila who just had her 3rd litter of puppies. Here is where the story gets interesting a day after having the pups Kila became very aggressive (this is a dog I raised since a pup that is trying to bite me). We had to have her put down. I got your recipe for the formula off the internet to bottle feed my pups. A week into there little lives they started dying painful deaths one at a time. The vet said your formula probably killed them the egg yolk gave them salmonella. So in turn I believe you should take your puppy formula recipe off your web site. So no one else has to have the horrible week and the loss off money I had. I lost around $1200 just in puppies. Not to mention having to see all the little puppies suffer and die.

Thank you,
James Revis
Ed Ed's Answer:

Let me tell you something. Your vet is an idiot and you’re not far behind the fool. You are a first class JERK. You killed your dog because she was maternal. You are not only a dumb ass you are a first class jerk.

In the last 35 years I have bred close to 400 litters. So I have a tad bit of experience with breeding dogs – probably a hell of a lot more than your idiot vet.

Just to let you know – it is not that uncommon for females (even females that fools like you raise from a puppy) to become aggressive for a period of time after they whelp a litter. There are many reasons for this happening. Some just do it while others become aggressive because the owners are dumb asses that do not provide a calm quiet safe location where the mother can be by herself. They always get over it. It take a little time but they get over it.

With that said there are idiots and dumb asses (like yourself) who just go off and kill the female.

As far as the puppy formula goes – puppies have about as much chance of dying from FRESH egg yolks (and salmonella in them) in my formula as you do in winning the lottery. Read the testimonials to the formula. You’re the only person who has ever written me such a stupid email. I have a web page on my site for idiot vets -

I also have a dumb and dumber web page – that's where I put your email because this is the most ignorant stupid email I have received in a long long time.

If you want some advise James – get out of the breeding business and stick to eating and breathing because that seems to be the only thing you are qualified to do.

Ed Frawley

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