May 03, 2011

My 4 month old GSD has dry flaky skin. My vet recommended a special shampoo. What do you think?

Full Question:
Mr. Frawley,

I have a question that I've been confused about. I have a 3 month old GSD, I took him to the Vet, and while we were there I asked her about these white flakes on his coat. She said it was dry skin and gave me a prescription shampoo for him. Should I use it? All I've heard from most people is NOT to bathe GSD and I want to believe them because they are people who have had GSD. Who is right?

Ed Ed's Answer:
Well it is dry skin, but my guess it is that is caused by diet. I only feed my dogs an all-natural diet. You can read about this on my web site. This should fix the problem. The shampoo only fixes the symptoms. I have that labeled as bad medicine from the vet (feel free to tell your vet I published this question on my web site).

If you want to learn how to feed a dog, get the little $9.00 book that we sell titled Natural Nutrition for Dogs and Cats.

I also strongly recommend not vaccinating your dog on a yearly basis the way that local vets recommend. Pups need an initial vaccination and then a rabies vaccination but no more after that. I have a book titled Shock to the System. It is a must read for anyone who loves their pets. The vet industry is playing a hoax on pet owners in this country with these yearly vaccinations.

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