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April 7, 2024

Recommended My dog is bored by his food. How do I train a dog that isn't food motivated?

I have a 9-month-old male unfixed Australian Shepherd. Ever since we got him at 8 weeks, he seems bored by his food. Doesn't matter the brand. Once I tried a 'topper' and still no. His vet can't find anything wrong since he is still as energetic as always and will happily take any sort of treats. I tried eating puzzles which he loves, but he will just empty the food out of them without eating it. He eats enough to maintain his healthy weight as he's grown. I love dog training but I'm a lit...
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April 7, 2024

Recommended I have two questions on product recommentations. First, I need a leash to keep in my vehicle in case of an emergency and I would like to know what you suggest. Second, I would like to carry a stun gun or spray in case of being attacked by a loose dog. What do you recommend?

I have two questions for you on which products to order or your recommendations. 1. I would like to have a leash in my vehicle I can use in an emergency to get a stray dog safely off the road. I currently carry a regular dog leash, but if the dog is not wearing a collar to attach it to then it does not work out so well. Is there a good leash style that works even if the dog is not wearing a collar? 2. I would like to carry a stun gun and some kind of spray just in case I get attacked by...
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March 18, 2024

Recommended Our year old Dutch Shepherd mix takes soft toys and grinds them between his molars even though he has bones available. Is this normal?

Hey Cindy, We adopted a Dutch shepherd/mix back in July. He's a little over a year old now, and as more of a medium dog, I'm guessing he's mostly done growing. I'm planning to train him as a running partner in the spring, and at this point, he's doing very well with basic commands and leash manners. The problem I'm running into is that he likes taking the thin parts of his soft toys and grinding them between his molars. Our German shepherd did this with rope toys when we first got her (she...
100% (3 out of 3)
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March 17, 2024

Recommended Why would my 15 week old setter puppy regress on her potty training?

Hi Cindy, My 15 week old red and white setter appears to be regressing with potty training (pee only). We’ve had her since she was almost 9 weeks old and she had little to no accidents in the house until recently (she was even beginning to signal when she needed to go). But for the last week or so she is having more and more accidents. When in the house she is either tethered to me or gated off in our small kitchen (it acts as her X-pen). She has no problem sleeping 9 hours thru the nigh...
100% (1 out of 1)
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March 3, 2024

Recommended My young French Bulldog is marking on all the dog beds and she's trying to be alpha with my other 2 dogs. I need some advice!

Hi Cindy, I have three dogs and my nine month old French Bulldog is marking on all the dog beds. She’s doing great with potty training and their beds is the only place she pees so I know she’s trying to be Alpha. She does other things to prove she’s Alpha like cutting the other dogs off at the water bowl and snapping at them when they walk by. She also doesn’t understand polite play, she ignores the other dogs cues when they don’t want to play anymore. I intervene when I see it hap...
88% (44 out of 50)
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March 2, 2024

Recommended Will I always need to use food rewards with my 7 year old dog?

Hi again! I have a dog that is 7 years old. I trained him at Petco and he passed the Advanced Canine Good Citizen test 5 years ago. I was never taught how to fade food rewards. He now only really listens to me when I have food rewards and checks out after I reward him. In the Basic Obedience Course, Frawley stated that if I hadn’t moved to a variable and random reward schedule after 2 years of a fixed reward schedule, that I would not be able to fade the rewards. Will I need to use food r...
100% (3 out of 3)
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March 1, 2024

Recommended What is the difference between the "stay" and "good" command?

What is the difference between "stay" and "good" command? I know we use "good" to give duration as per the article on Marker Training.
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February 2, 2024

Recommended My dog insists on walking in front of me at the end of the leash unless I give her a treat. What do you suggest?

My dog insists on walking in front. Not necessarily pulling but taking every bit of leash to where it’s not really loose leash walking. We use a martingale or slip chain collar for walking. I stop and change directions when she moves ahead. Most of the time she notices that I have stopped before the leash gets tight and she stops and turns with me then She will follow until a treat is given then usually moves ahead again. She does pretty well if we are working in an area like around cones. ...
88% (7 out of 8)
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February 1, 2024

Recommended I have 2 dogs and would like to add a third dog to our family. What age and sex would be most compatible with my existing dogs?

Hi Cindy, I have an 11 yr old male Doberman and a 1 yr old female Malinois/GSD cross (neutered and spayed). Both have received their CGC certificates and get along well together. I would like to add a 3rd dog to the family. I was wondering if the sex of the 3rd dog was significant (which would be better) or whether the potential compatibility was more a related to the personality/temperament of the specific dog? Second question: Are there any recommended ages I should be looking for...
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January 2, 2024

Recommended My 3 year old dog tears up packages around the house when we leave her alone, what do you suggest?

Hello Cindy. I have a Bernese Mountain Dog who is reactive and you have helped me modify this behavior! Thank you. Now she (3 years old) has taken to tearing into packages around the house when left alone when we go out. It used to be about food but now she got into xmas ornaments. What do you suggest? I have done the following courses: Leash reactivity; remote collar training and marker training. Thanks
100% (4 out of 4)
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January 1, 2024

Recommended Family members misused the remote collar on my dog when I was on vacation ! Is my training ruined?

I’ve followed your recall and remote collar program and my dog is near perfect on recall mostly. He was very well behaved off leash on our property. We are very protective of the collar training only me and my wife but we left the dog with family for vacation who used old school shock punishment style and made my cattle dog collar-wise. Haven’t been able to break it. He now won’t come without the remote collar on and will hide from putting it on. The no longer coming without ...
94% (15 out of 16)
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November 2, 2023

Recommended Is socializing my puppy really that important? People in my IGP club have said they don't socialize their dogs and they are great.

Is socializing really that important? I have a very confident 14 week old working line German Shepherd I’m raising for Schutzhund and people in my club said they never have socialized their dogs and their dogs are great.
100% (18 out of 18)
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November 1, 2023

Recommended I'm driving to get a new pup, where should I stop to give my new puppy a bathroom break since he hasn't had all of his vaccines yet? Should I let him sleep in his crate next to my bed?

Hi Cindy, I pick up my new puppy next weekend I have a couple of questions. 1) Its about a 4 hour drive to get the dog. It will have its first immunizations; if I stop on the way home to give it a bathroom break am I putting it at risk of contracting a disease it I stop at a rest area (obviously other dogs would have done their business there too)? 2) The first couple of nights should I have him sleep in a carrier or box next to my bed or just let him tough it out in his crate in the livin...
100% (6 out of 6)
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November 1, 2023

Recommended My neighbor's dog attacked my puppy and I reported them to the township, was that the wrong thing to do?

In the 28 years of living in my home, my next door neighbor has had 4 dogs. Not any problems with the 1st one. The 2nd one they would walk and let poop on neighbors property without picking up. Then that neighbor had to post signs about picking up after your dog. His 3rd dog has bitten me, the floral delivery lady, the post man and attacked the others neighbors lab to the point of needing medical attention. His 4th dog came off their property and attacked my 5 month old puppy while I was walk...
100% (8 out of 8)
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October 26, 2023

Recommended Can my dog whelp her puppies in the kennel within earshot of other dogs or would this be too stressful for her?

Hi, Cindy. I know you guys bred GSD for many years. I have your Whelping video and I am watching it again. I am building a kennel and training facility and I would like to ask for your advice. How important is it that the Dam be completely separated from the presence of all other dogs during whelping? What I mean is, can she be in the same structure and within earshot, but totally separated and secured from other dogs or do you still feel this is too stressful for her? It would be...
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October 26, 2023

Recommended My Husky growls and hard stares at my child. Do you have techniques to make her like my toddler?

Hi Cindy, i have a 7 1/2 year old spayed Siberian husky female. She is an obedient, well mannered dog, she has had reward based training with clear expectations since puppyhood, she also has a CGC title but i have one issue. She will hard eye my toddler even growling at times. My soltuion has been seperation, now the dog tolerates and actually enjoys interacting with children who know boundaries. My question is do you recommend counter conditioning or any techniques to help her learn to like ...
100% (7 out of 7)
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October 24, 2023

Recommended I need a tug for my young German Shepherd to use during training sessions. Can your tugs be cleaned and dried if they get dirty?

Hi. I'm trying to choose a tug toy for my 8 month old GSD. He is a tough tugger. I want something strong, yet small enough to stick in my pants pocket to have on me during training. He has a pretty good grip. There are so many to choose from!
100% (4 out of 4)
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October 23, 2023

Recommended My puppy wakes up at 4 AM, how can I get him to sleep longer?

How can I get my 11 week old pup to sleep longer. We take his water up an hour before bedtime and he still wakes up at 4AM?
100% (4 out of 4)
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October 22, 2023

Recommended Is it ok to use a prong and e-collar in a very cold climate? Should we switch to a slip lead?

Hi Cindy, We have been primarily using prong collars with our pups since early spring. We live in Canada, and a part of Canada that gets extremely cold. One of our dogs is a big powerful guy, who we are working through reactivity with. The prong has been a great tool. I was thinking today that cold metal might not be the best idea in the winter, and I believe a plastic pinch may become fragile in our temperatures as well - probably not good for our e-collar batteries either (ca...
100% (3 out of 3)
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October 22, 2023

Recommended My female dog lifts her leg when peeing. Is this a sign of dominance?

Hi Cindy! How would you explain 3 yo GSD female raising her leg slightly when peeing/ marking ? During heat as well as when not in heat. She does NOT dig/scratch the grass with her back paws after. Is it a sign of a dominant female? Anything to be on the look out for? Thank you!
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