Behavior Problems Q&As

February 27, 2025

Recommended Our 9 month old dog destroys my things if we don't crate her at night, is this puppy behavior or something we can work on?

Hi. We used to foster through our local shelter, and foster failed with the last puppy. Lucy, the new addition , is around 9 months old and spayed. She was brought into the shelter with her litter mates at 14wks, and all were very timid. We worked a lot on obedience and commands, building trust, not rushing her - luckily she's very treat motivated. Lucy gets plenty of exercise everyday - we own a gym, and I work from home, so it's usually play with toys, the other pups, or a long trail walk w...
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January 2, 2025

Recommended My dog is obsessed with picking up rocks, placing them in different areas of the lawn and digging. Any ideas?

Hi Cindy, so my working line GSD he is 5 now. He’s is trained, I would say intermediate level/ But he has this issue when we are at home only. He will grab a rock in his mouth from the backyard then goes and place it in positions all around the back lawn and digs. Some of the trenches are 500mm deep. The only way I stop him from doing this is by locking him in the laundry when I'm not home. Although he is less likely to do it if I am not home. But if I get home let him out the back ...
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December 31, 2024

Recommended My new 8 month old GSD barks incessantly during training, I don't know how to correct him without confusing him.

Hi Cindy, I recently acquired a German Shepherd pup at 7 months of age. He was started in obedience work and drive development from the kennel I purchased him from. He was originally being developed for police work or high level sport. I just want him for family companion / protection work. Unfortunately I didn’t have the opportunity to develop this pup from 8 weeks old into my training and drive development or capping where necessary. When I received him he didn’t have bite inhibition o...
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December 16, 2024

Recommended My dog is not neutered and if he catches the scent of a female in heat he runs off, will a remote collar work to fix this?

My 3 1/2 year old labradoodle is not neutered. He catches the scent of an in heat dog and it’s off to the races. We walk on the beach daily and folks bring their in heat dogs on vacation. He will follow a weeks-old scent. He’s been off leash since he’s been 8 weeks old. Will a remote collar work?
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October 3, 2024

We rescued a Malinois who has amazing food drive indoors but none outdoors. How can I build more confidence in him?

My Mal was rescued and wasn’t crazy socialized. He is fairly nervy outside, but getting better at least walking. Amazing food drive indoors but will not even try to open his mouth for food outdoors. My hope was IGP for this dog but I don’t think that can happen. I do want to be able to work flashy obedience with the dog. However, I don’t know how to do so outdoors if the dog won’t work for food. My dog is 1.5 and I’ve had him around a month at this point. I know it can take a dog...
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October 2, 2024

Recommended My 4 month old German Shepherd puppy barks when he sees certain dogs on our neighborhood walks, do you have any tips?

Hello-I have a 4 month old GSD and I am very aware that they can be vocal/whiny/barky however, I am determined to prevent this behavior via management and controlling his environment. When he sees certain dogs in the neighborhood (large, fluffy) he does a bark when he is not engaged in something/activity. most of the time he sees a dog, looks and easily can move along, but certain larger fluffy dogs can elicit a bark. So far the bark doesn't turn into anything more(it's a bark or two and I ca...
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October 1, 2024

Recommended How do I train a 5 year old dog with a compulsion to swallow non food items he finds to "leave it" ?

I have an 5 yr old rescue with the impulse to ingest inappropriate things he finds - like bark mulch chips, etc. He has puked up sticks the size of my thumb and I am worried he will cause himself a lethal internal injury. I have tried the standard "leave it" and now he just swallows faster. How can I get him to understand that this is undesirable/unacceptable behavior? He is muzzle trained so that I can permit him some off-leash time but other folks treat him like he is Hannibal Lecter. Ot...
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October 1, 2024

Recommended My 11 month old dog was using the dog door to potty outside but after a camping trip and weather changing he now goes to the bathroom inside. How do we let him know it's not ok to potty in the house?

Hi there, we have a 11 mo puppy we have had him for 4 months now. He was in a shelter for 4 months before we got him so he just knew to potty anytime anywhere. We got him to learn the dog door and he has been great. All of a sudden after a camping trip and weather turning he wouldn't go out the dog door, would go inside. I guess maybe he really doesn't know how to tell us he just uses the dog door anytime! He relapsed for a few weeks and is back on track but if the dog door is closed he ...
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August 11, 2024

Recommended My 9 month old German Shepherd jumps on me and barks. I know he is playing but it's annoying. Do you have any suggestions?

I have a 9 month old male GSD, he is from German show lines. He has a really nice temperament. But at this age he is fresh, he thinks its fun to jump on me. He rarely did this when he was 5 mos. old. I know he is just playing with me but its annoying. He's very gentle when he puts his feet on me, he jumps back then barks at me. I don't want him to think this is OK to do. I have tried the squirt bottle and the sports drink bottle with water it didn't work so I added a little bit of vinega...
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July 1, 2024

Recommended Our goldendoodle bites and jumps on me and my daughter when he gets overstimulated and a trainer suggested we use bitter apple spray or a toy. Can you suggest any methods to correct this behavior?

Hi Cindy, My 9 months old 60lbs goldendoodle when he gets overstimulated (e.g. by dogs or pedestrians during walk) or frustrated, he redirects (jumping and biting) me and my daughter which each time caused multiple bruises on our hands and legs. We don’t reinforce excitement. We work on exercise to establish leadership role everyday. We tried redirect with toys, used bitter apple spray as suggested by a trainer, all worked only for few days. May I ask what other methods that can help corr...
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June 15, 2024

Recommended My German Shepherd whines a lot in the car, especially when we stop or slow down. Do you have any suggestions?

Hi Cindy - I have 2 German Shepherd dogs - a 20 month old recently neutered male that we got as a pup, and an 18 month old intact female we have had since September. Both get daily obedience training and play at home, and professional training (obedience and scent work). Plenty of exercise - between 3-6 miles of walking daily. Both are attentive, eager to please and have pleasant demeanors. Male is more boisterous. Dogs ride in back of our SUV in a 2 dog crate with a divider. The male l...
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March 18, 2024

Recommended Our year old Dutch Shepherd mix takes soft toys and grinds them between his molars even though he has bones available. Is this normal?

Hey Cindy, We adopted a Dutch shepherd/mix back in July. He's a little over a year old now, and as more of a medium dog, I'm guessing he's mostly done growing. I'm planning to train him as a running partner in the spring, and at this point, he's doing very well with basic commands and leash manners. The problem I'm running into is that he likes taking the thin parts of his soft toys and grinding them between his molars. Our German shepherd did this with rope toys when we first got her (she...
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March 3, 2024

Recommended My young French Bulldog is marking on all the dog beds and she's trying to be alpha with my other 2 dogs. I need some advice!

Hi Cindy, I have three dogs and my nine month old French Bulldog is marking on all the dog beds. She’s doing great with potty training and their beds is the only place she pees so I know she’s trying to be Alpha. She does other things to prove she’s Alpha like cutting the other dogs off at the water bowl and snapping at them when they walk by. She also doesn’t understand polite play, she ignores the other dogs cues when they don’t want to play anymore. I intervene when I see it hap...
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January 2, 2024

Recommended My 3 year old dog tears up packages around the house when we leave her alone, what do you suggest?

Hello Cindy. I have a Bernese Mountain Dog who is reactive and you have helped me modify this behavior! Thank you. Now she (3 years old) has taken to tearing into packages around the house when left alone when we go out. It used to be about food but now she got into xmas ornaments. What do you suggest? I have done the following courses: Leash reactivity; remote collar training and marker training. Thanks
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October 22, 2023

Recommended My female dog lifts her leg when peeing. Is this a sign of dominance?

Hi Cindy! How would you explain 3 yo GSD female raising her leg slightly when peeing/ marking ? During heat as well as when not in heat. She does NOT dig/scratch the grass with her back paws after. Is it a sign of a dominant female? Anything to be on the look out for? Thank you!
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October 21, 2023

Recommended Our German Shepherd pees when we correct him and chews up items even though he has toys. Please advise.

Cindy we got a German Shepherd puppy at the age of 4 weeks we were told he was 8 weeks old back in August of last year every time we correct the puppy he pees on the floor as well as now is chewing up items that does not pertain to his toys what could be the cause of this. I have a feeling it is separation anxiety. He only choose things that have our scent on it. He is now 11 months old will be a year next month on the 26th what can we do to prevent this from continuing any suggestions or ide...
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September 29, 2023

Recommended My dog digs on her bed and won't lay down. How do I correct this?

Hi - I have a 1 yr old Brittany and she digs on her bed -most dogs do the scratch n circle and then lay down - but she scratches/digs and doesn't lay down. This is worse when she is overly tired. How do I help her / correct this behavior? Currently if we go to her and hold her paw and calm her she finally relaxes. Thank you
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September 29, 2023

Recommended Does my adult dog need to socialize with other dogs?

Hi, how much socialization with other dogs does my almost 5 year old German Shepherd need? He interacts with my son's golden retriever daily in short increments and is with me pretty much 24/7.
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September 9, 2023

Recommended My 12 month old Beauceron will pull and lunge on leash when other leashed dogs walk by. Can you recommend a video so I can teach her to remain calm and ignore the other dogs unless it's playtime?

Hello Cindy: My 12-month spayed Beauceron pulls on her leash to greet/play with other leashed dogs. For example, we are enjoying breakfast at an outdoor coffee shop and a well-mannered dog will walk by, causing our dog to jump up and playfully lunge towards it. Can you recommend a video so that I can teach her to remain calm and ignore other dogs (unless it is play-time) ? Thank you. Cindy
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September 9, 2023

Recommended My 8 year old housebroken German Shepherd stays with friends when I travel but he goes to the bathroom in their homes, no matter how much they walk him. How can I correct this?

Hi Cindy. I have an eight year old GSD who is housebroken and obedient. When I'm home he either goes tot he bathroom off-lead in my fenced in back yard along the fence-line, or on-lead when we're walking through the neighborhood. In the yard when I let him out he won't actually go in the yard and do anything until I walk out. The problem is when I travel, which is only once or twice a year, I have friends that were willing to watch him for me but every time they do he just goes to the bat...
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