Reinforcement Schedules with Michael Ellis
Locked: You must purchase this stream to view it Reinforcement Schedules with Michael Ellis
5 stars (0 reviews)
45 min
October 31, 2023
If you're already using marker training but are struggling with your dog performing behaviors they've already learned, this micro course is for you. You'll learn the importance of reinforcement schedules and how to create durable behaviors. If you have already purchased the December 2019 Michael Ellis Three Day Workshop, you do not need this course. There are 15 clips totaling to 45 minutes of content to watch. Outline: Introduction Reinforcement Schedules Introduction to Reinforcement Schedules Random Reinforcement Importance of Random Reinforcement Types of Reinforcement Reinforcement in Behavior Modification Affects of Internal Reinforcement Reinforcement Addiction Persistent Behaviors Durablity Rewarding Too Much Self Reinforcing Activities Involuntary Vocalizations Strategic Schedule Training Plan Reinforcement Schedule Reinforcing Behaviors Where Do I Go From Here?
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Reinforcement Schedules with Michael Ellis

Uploaded on October 31, 2023 • 45 min

If you're already using marker training but are struggling with your dog performing behaviors they've already learned, this micro course is for you. You'll learn the importance of reinforcement schedules and how to create durable behaviors.

If you have already purchased the December 2019 Michael Ellis Three Day Workshop, you do not need this course.

There are 15 clips totaling to 45 minutes of content to watch.


  • Introduction
  • Reinforcement Schedules
  • Introduction to Reinforcement Schedules
  • Random Reinforcement
  • Importance of Random Reinforcement
  • Types of Reinforcement
  • Reinforcement in Behavior Modification
  • Affects of Internal Reinforcement
  • Reinforcement Addiction
  • Persistent Behaviors
  • Durablity
  • Rewarding Too Much
  • Self Reinforcing Activities
  • Involuntary Vocalizations
  • Strategic Schedule
  • Training Plan Reinforcement Schedule
  • Reinforcing Behaviors
  • Where Do I Go From Here?


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