How To Use A Dominant Dog Collar

Uploaded on June 25, 2024 • 12 min

In this video, Ed Frawley shares a question from the Ask Cindy database. Today's question is about the steps into using a dominant dog collar. There have been many people asking what is the correct way to use a dominant dog collar and so Ed shares his steps into the correct way to using a dominant dog collar to fix your dogs behavior.



Video: Ed Frawley on The Dominant Dog Collar

Leerburg's Dominant Dog Collar


When people have specific training questions we recommend that they go to our website and post those questions in the ASK CINDY on the front page of Cindy has been training dogs since she was a teenager and has competed in several dog sports at a regional and national level. She was also a vet tech and owned a boarding/training and grooming business for many years as well as breeding working Dobermans and Belgian Malinois under the kennel name Kaiserhaus.

Questions posted to ASK CINDY are answered almost every day. They are also recorded in our systems if a dog owner has additional questions Cindy will review the previous Q&As and this helps her give better feedback and assistance.


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